Thursday, March 5, 2015

Unity 5 and Scruby Scrub Clean

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in a bit, but that's mostly because I've been stressed out recently. I got Unity 5 on launch and it completely messed up Scruby Scrub Clean. I was able to fix everything, but it didn't really make any sense where things went wrong. Anyways, Unity 5 is alright. And uh, yea. That's about it.

     I also want to take this time to talk about my friend BlueSin's project called Chronos! It's another sandbox/platformer thing like Terraria or Starbound, but with TIME TRAVEL! Doesn't that sound cool? He's trying to grow his community for the game, and even is working on a public demo! So yea, that's about it. Goobi.

     Chronos Community

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