Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Coffee Mug Quest

 So, I helped with the development of this game called Coffee Mug Quest. My friend Michael (Pixel Robin) was the one who did the programming and art. I just did level design, which was pretty fun. The game is based off of one of his past games called Pixel Prison. I designed the levels using the old game's level editor. Pretty neat, huh? I was going to draw fan art or something for it, but that's too hard and time consuming. So instead I wrote this blog post. Anyways, you can go download the game on GameJolt.


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Secret fun

     This is a short post releasing some info about the blog. There is a new secret page for you guys to find, the link is hidden somewhere on the site. Have fun finding it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Prototype Protobites

     Remember that weird pixel picture I posted in the last post? Well that has evolved a little bit. Evolved into what, you ask? Well my dear child, it has evolved into a game full of NOT PIXEL ART! Isn't that just amazing?! Well, no, it shouldn't be amazing. If you said it was, then you obviously don't know who I am. I'm the person who redraws my profile picture every month! Or... Has it been every month? If so, I must be ABSOLUTELY INSANE! Anyways, here's a screenshot of the new prototype. Oh, and by the way, it's probably going to play like Isaac.

     Also, it runs in flash player. Do you know what that means? Of course you do! That means it can be put on Newgrounds, AND be played in more than just Firefox and Internet explorer! Amazing, isn't it?

Thursday, September 3, 2015

No more donations, but now you can contact me.

     I got rid of the donation page. For the second time, isn't that great? Now I won't be obnoxiously asking for donations! Woo! I replaced the donation page with the new contact page. So now you can contact me through, like, two sites. Amazing!

     In other news, I'm learning a new language/framework! That's right, no more LÖVE2D stuff, or Python stuff, now I'm onto HaxeFlixel stuff! I'm actually liking this a lot more than LÖVE and Python combined. Want to know why? Because I can actually comprehend it! I've been following the tutorial in the HaxeFlixel docs, so I feel like a noob. Although, I did give the project gamepad support to make myself feel competent. So uh, here's a screenshot of that.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hopefully I'm really back.

     Wow, it's September now. I only posted like, twice, in August. Time to bring you all up to speed. First off, Game #2 is cancelled. Yep. It's a shame. Also, I've been working on some weird launcher thing. You know what it launches? Capl Team games. Yep, it's called the Capl Launcher or something...

     Look at that, WOW! Let me break this launcher down for you. First of all, the launcher will contain all of Capl's free games. It also has some of it's own exclusive games. I've also thrown in some of our unfinished games! (Like Elastic and Game #2) There's also a page for fan art and such. After that, you can see a soundtrack player. It basically plays music from the games included with the launcher. Well, that's obvious. Finally, there's concept art. Not much to explain there...

     So yeah! That's it, I'm back, hopefully.