Saturday, April 9, 2016

Roguelike Devblog - #1

So I'm going to start writing a daily devblog here. Because, well, I can. I considered trying to do this on the TIGSource forums but I can't bring myself to go on there every day. I feel like I have to be formal there. Anyways, here's the first log on this roguelike game I'm working on with my friend Lui.

Today I got map generation done. This is what I thought would be the hardest part of making a roguelike, and hey if I wanted some really good dynamic map generation it would be the hardest part. Since this is my very first roguelike though, I decided all I really need is something dirty and quick. What I did was copy the source of the BSPMapGen HaxeFlixel demo, and then I started modifying it a whole lot to fit my needs. I still need to clean it up a bit though. My code, that is, I keep on tweeting that I'll do it but I still haven't.

Anyways, I was trying to go for map generation like Nuclear Throne or something, but it's obviously nowhere near Throne level of generation. I want to implement a "Fog of War" mechanic, so you can't see all of the map at once. (Or at least all of the map rendered on your screen) Not for technical limitations or anything, just so you don't know what's out there and get a sense of mystery.

Anyways, that's it for today. Hopefully I update you guys tomorrow as well, huh?

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