Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Unity Tools: Tiled2Unity

     So I've been playing around in this tool for Unity called Tiled2Unity. Its main purpose is to export Tiled maps into Unity as prefabs and meshes and things. If you don't know what Tiled is, it's a tool for making maps with tilesets. And guess what, both of these tools are FREE!

Tiled2Unity Interface

     Also, if you have PyxelEdit, making tilesets would be even easier! I would recommend these tools (Tiled and Tiled2Unity) for any 2D game that would use tiles. If you want to make a pixel game, then I'd strongly recommend getting PyxelEdit for the tilesets and animations.

A level made with Tiled in Unity

Tiled - [DOWNLOAD]

Tiled2Unity - [DOWNLOAD]

PyxelEdit - [GET][Note: PyxelEdit costs $9.00 USD, but there is also a free version]

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