Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Game #2

So I've been talking a little bit about Capl Team's newest project, (codename) Game #2. So you know what, I'm going to go ahead and reveal a little bit of information about the game here. With Game #2, Helix and I wanted to go back to our roots with platformer games. Of course, our last attempt at a platform game (Elastic) didn't turn out that well. So this time we decided to scope super small, but a little bigger than Micromasher. We don't want to make anything huge, like Elastic was supposed to be. Game #2 is going to have 3 worlds, with 3 levels and 1 boss per each. I'm currently working on the menu system, but I already have all of the world 1 levels planned. You're probably also wondering what platform Game #2 will be released on. After the massive success of Micromasher, we've decided to make this game focused on Newgrounds. We're also going to release it as a standalone game, for the unfortunate Chrome users. (Read about that here) So yeah, that's all the information I can disclose right now for Game #2. I'll probably say more when we finish World #1 and get rid of my placeholder art. Anyways, here's a gif of the menu system.


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