Saturday, April 16, 2016

Devblog Update

So I've decided that I don't get a whole lot of feedback on here from my devblog, so I've decided to move it onto the TIGSource forums. I mean, I haven't yet, but I will. I figure the entire point of a devblog is to get feedback, so what's the point of doing one on here? Anyways, that's it. Bye bye.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Roguelike Devblog - #3

So today I made myself a schedule, that I most likely won't follow. Since I trust you guys, here it is.

Yeah, no way I'm following that. Anyways, onto the roguelike!

So my sound guy, Joe Swensen, asked if I could do layering music. For example, you walk by an enemy and a new layer of music is added to give tension to the situation. After you slay this foul beast, the tension layer fades away. Yeah, that, I'm sure you've seen it before. I said I could try, I mean I still haven't, but I will. So hey, if I can work it out I guess the game will have layering music. Neat.

Today I added this pause menu. I want to give it an options menu too, but that will have to come later, as a lot of the options won't affect anything yet. (Also I usually add option menus in late development) Anyways, here is this pause menu I made.

Isn't that neat? Hopefully it is. I didn't do too much else, other than THIS

See that? The sprite flips! This will be useful... Eventually. But hey, it's nice to get it out of the way early. Anyways, that's it for today. Hopefully I'll see you all tomorrow!

[My Twitter] [Lui's Twitter]

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Roguelike Devblog - #2

Instead of starting this post with a paragraph explaining everything I've done, here's a quick gif.

So there's quite a bit to go over. Let me start with the "Generating" screen. Yesterday when you'd start up the game, it'd bring you to a black screen with the map laid out in white. (See yesterday's post for an example of that) I said "begone with that!" and replaced it. Map generation in the game is lightning quick, which is pretty cool. (It actually only takes ~10 frames to generate the map) I'm guessing it will take longer to generate maps the further you get into the game, since after each level the map size gets slightly increased. Anyways, this isn't all cherries and roses. There's one, slight, downside to my amazing generation screen. To generate a new map... I have to restart the game! *gasp*

... I'll probably do a debug thing later to fix that.

Anyways, next thing you probably noticed, depth! Maps now have a bit of depth to them, which is pretty cool. I did this because it looks nice, and that's about it. You can walk behind walls and stuff, which is pretty standard now in these top-down games. There's not a whole lot to say about it, so here's another gif.

Last thing, I added a "light" around your player. In the last post I mentioned that I wanted to try doing a "Fog of War" effect, and that didn't quite work out. Let's just say the game ran like I was emulating a PS4 on a potato. So instead I did this, and I like how it looks. Better yet, it still gives that feeling of mystery and uncertainty I mentioned before. So that's good.

But that's all for today's post. I'll see you guys tomorrow! (hopefully)

[My Twitter] [Lui's Twitter]

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Roguelike Devblog - #1

So I'm going to start writing a daily devblog here. Because, well, I can. I considered trying to do this on the TIGSource forums but I can't bring myself to go on there every day. I feel like I have to be formal there. Anyways, here's the first log on this roguelike game I'm working on with my friend Lui.

Today I got map generation done. This is what I thought would be the hardest part of making a roguelike, and hey if I wanted some really good dynamic map generation it would be the hardest part. Since this is my very first roguelike though, I decided all I really need is something dirty and quick. What I did was copy the source of the BSPMapGen HaxeFlixel demo, and then I started modifying it a whole lot to fit my needs. I still need to clean it up a bit though. My code, that is, I keep on tweeting that I'll do it but I still haven't.

Anyways, I was trying to go for map generation like Nuclear Throne or something, but it's obviously nowhere near Throne level of generation. I want to implement a "Fog of War" mechanic, so you can't see all of the map at once. (Or at least all of the map rendered on your screen) Not for technical limitations or anything, just so you don't know what's out there and get a sense of mystery.

Anyways, that's it for today. Hopefully I update you guys tomorrow as well, huh?

Friday, April 8, 2016

I'm back, hopefully!

Hello everyone, I'd like to start out this post saying I've changed my name from JuiceBox over to Carpetwurm. This is because I wanted to be a bit more unique, and hey I might actually stick with this one! Now then, onto some news.

First of all, Journey of Coins has been released! I left you guys with the 0.0.5 build, and that was AGES ago. But now the game is complete, and in build 1.2.0. I had to close development though because the engine I use, HaxeFlixel, updated to version 4 after JoC launched, and it would be absolute hell porting it to the new version. Anyways, here's a link.


I also participated in GameJolt's Bad Boxart Jam, which was my first big jam. I made a game called "How to be Corny" based on the boxart below. I believe I ranked #72 or something like that, I can't be bothered to check. Anyways, I had fun making something stupid and small, though some people absolutely hated the game. [Link to that]

I started work on a game called Contiave with James R. from theodd1sout, and you know it was going good and such, but then I started a side project with my friend Lui and kinda shifted focus to that. Though if James wants me to keep working on Contiave I will, I just need some more art from him. But what he did give me was great, so I hope the game doesn't get canned. 

But that's about it, hopefully this blog doesn't die again. I'll see you guys later, hopefully. ^)^