So today I made myself a schedule, that I most likely won't follow. Since I trust you guys, here it is.
Yeah, no way I'm following that. Anyways, onto the roguelike!
So my sound guy, Joe Swensen, asked if I could do layering music. For example, you walk by an enemy and a new layer of music is added to give tension to the situation. After you slay this foul beast, the tension layer fades away. Yeah, that, I'm sure you've seen it before. I said I could try, I mean I still haven't, but I will. So hey, if I can work it out I guess the game will have layering music. Neat.
Today I added this pause menu. I want to give it an options menu too, but that will have to come later, as a lot of the options won't affect anything yet. (Also I usually add option menus in late development) Anyways, here is this pause menu I made.
Isn't that neat? Hopefully it is. I didn't do too much else, other than THIS
See that? The sprite flips! This will be useful... Eventually. But hey, it's nice to get it out of the way early. Anyways, that's it for today. Hopefully I'll see you all tomorrow!
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