Sunday, February 22, 2015

Welcome to my new blog!

     Hello! Welcome to my new blog! If you've been following me around on the internet, you'll know that I've made 50 million blogs. On my quest to find the right site to host with. For some reason, I've never used Blogger. So this is my attempt at a blogger website. It's pretty nice, since you can edit most, if not all the HTML. Even though I don't use HTML, I'm figuring it out. So uh, I guess I better use this post to introduce myself a bit. My name is Justin but I prefer to be called Juice or JuiceBox. I'm a young independent game developer working in Unity. I've been making pixel games since basically the beginning. My current project, Cleanse, will be my first non-pixel game. It will also be my first Unity game. Currently, I've been doing game development for 3 years. I have some of my games up on and my older games are on the yoyogames sandbox. Obviously, I used to use Game Maker 8. I think I was using GM Studio when I joined Gamejolt. Anyways, I'm in a development team called Capl Team. My best friend, Helix, owns it. We're currently making Cleanse together. Since I'm new to Unity, Cleanse's prototype is taking a bit longer for me to finish than I wanted. In a couple days, it will officially be a month since I've started working on Cleanse. Good news is that I do in fact have 65% of the prototype done. All I need to do is add health pickups and a boss and such. So yea, that's all for today. And also, make sure to subscribe to my blog to keep updated on the development of Cleanse and my pathetic life in general. And have a good morning/afternoon/night!

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