The horrible thumbnail with Arial font. |
All of you know what Five Nights at Freddy's(FNaF) is. I'm not going to bother explaining what it is. If you couldn't tell, it is the most annoying thing on the internet right now. To be completely honest, I felt like a retard while getting images for this rant. And yes, this will be a rant.
So let's get started with my first problem, the game itself. In FNaF, you just kinda sit there, watch screens, and shut doors. Exciting, right?! I know, I'm very scared. The game's "horror" is just cheap jump scares of animatronics looking at you or popping their head in or whatever. And if you're easily scared, then this is the game for you! Also, the game classifies itself as horror! No, no I'm sorry, Scott, but jump scares is not horror. Horror, if you don't know, is being scared. FNaF on the other hand, is just (like I said) jump scares. Sure you might be scared the first or second time, but it gets old. And I mean really,
really old.
Oh, and did I mention it has a "story"? Yea, there's some stuff in the background for fan theories. I'm sorry, but if it isn't truly cannon, then that's not a story. Sure, some of the theories are good, but who'd bother putting that much time into them? I mean, wow, whoever says "I'm going to write a theory about this poorly made game I like!" might be retarded. No seriously, I'm
concerned for this person seriously being retarded.
Anyways, my biggest gripe with this game is that it has a
FANDOM around it! This fandom, this fandom is the biggest problem. They're the ones posting about FNaF everywhere. and I mean EVERYWHERE! Let me take a random site that you wouldn't even
THINK would have FNaF on it. Let's see, how about GameJolt? Yes, GameJolt is being hit
HARD by this fandom. If you go on there, just look at the latest news and I bet you all you'll see is FNaF clone after FNaF clone. Since I personally use GameJolt a lot, I can tell you that most (if not all) the FNaF fandom is just children. I haven't talked to a single person over 18 saying that they like FNaF or made a fan game. One more thing, the creator, Scott Cawthon, is milking it. Don't try saying "Oh no he's not don't say that" because he completely is. The original FNaF came out less than a year ago, and it already has a sequel, and another sequel coming out soon. I would like to bet that there will be a FNaF 4 before the end of 2015, It's worse that CoD!
A stupid promotional image for the second game. |
Another thing, why the hell did Scott use Clickteam fusion?! Really, because according to fans he "doesn't have a lot of money", so why the hell did he buy Clickteam, which is $350 dollars mind you, to make a 3D game?! Another thing is that it took him
6 MONTHS to make the first FNaF! Clickteam, mind you, is probably the easiest engine in the
EVER! There's absolutely no programming, simple logic, and it's all drag and drop! And the fact that it took him 6 months to make a game with it, is really sad. I could see FNaF being made in a month. Tops.
And don't think I can hear you saying "But Juice, he had to do all those animations!!" yea, those simple as hell animations. The textures and models are all right, but the animations are
SO. SIMPLE! In the most recent one, there's an animation of one of the animatronics jumping at you during a jump scare. All it does is fling its arms out and comes towards the camera. That's it. I don't think animations took him 6 months to do.
But, I still believe there's hope in all of this. I think, now hear me out, I think that FNaF might just end. If Scott decides to stop milking this, it should end some time before 2016. Think of it like this: a good game with good mechanics will last forever; but a bad game with bad mechanics will fade away. Think of Zelda, that's a great game with great mechanics. That's why people still love it to this day. Now think of Flappy Bird, that was a bad game with stupid mechanics. And you never hear anyone talking about that anymore! So don't worry friends, this will all end soon.