Saturday, July 25, 2015

MTG: My First Friday Night Magic!

     So I recently got into Magic: The Gathering, and decided to go to my local comic book shop last night for Friday Night Magic. Even though I knew I was going to get wrecked, it was pretty cool. I got to battle my social anxiety and actually TALK to other people! What was especially neat was that they were all just nerds like me! So yeah, I got wrecked, boo hoo. I also set up my DCI account or something, so there's that, too. Anyways, that's about it.

     One more thing, I'll be starting a new category specifically for MTG posts. Alright, bye for REAL!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sub-Game #1 - Thumbscrew

     If you read Helix's blog, then you'd know that he announced Capl Team's newest project: Thumbscrew! He didn't elaborate much, so I'll go ahead and do that here.

     Helix mentioned that Thumbscrew was a game about squishing thumbs, but he didn't really mention anything else. The goal is to smash as many thumbs as possible within a time limit, without loosing your grip. By loosing your grip, I mean letting go of the mouse button. The more thumbs you smash, the faster the game goes! But when you un-click the window, you loose that speed.

     When the time's up, that's the end of the game. Your score will be recorded (not globally, though) and you will be taken back to the main menu. We're probably going to let the player (you) select the amount of time for a run. This will probably range from a minute to five. The amount of time you do will also be recorded along with the score.

    Finally, Joe Swensen is coming back to do music for Thumbscrew! If you don't remember, or are new, Joe was doing the music for Elastic. Unfortunately, his computer got the blue screen of death, so we haven't contacted him until we finished Micromasher. Of course, Helix is doing art, and I'm doing programming stuff. That's about it for this article, and I'll post again soon. Goobi.

Friday, July 10, 2015

The Current State of Cleanse

     This post is for anyone who doesn't know about what happened to Cleanse (a.k.a. Project Scrubby Scrub Clean). Cleanse was in development for a while, but we never got much work done on it due to how large we were scoping the game. We were aiming for 8 areas with 8 different and unique boss battles. With me being new to Unity, we could barely achieve anything. At the time, Helix was also bad at leading the team. Which lead to the eventual pause in development. This is when we went on to work on Elastic, which got cancelled. When we came back to Cleanse, we decided we wanted to try making it 3D. Of course, that ended up hindering development. Also around the time we got back to Cleanse, a movie titled Inside Out was all over T.V. Why are we mentioning this movie? Well, basically that movie is about a little girl dealing with her emotions. Or.. Something like that, but we know it has to do with emotions. What was Cleanse about? Well Cleanse was about a little boy defeating all of his emotions. You can see the problem, right? To top it off, Fear in Inside Out has a similar hair shape to Archibold's. Archibold, if you don't know, was going to be the original character in Cleanse. Here's a side-by-side comparison:

     Note that I had to draw Archibold, since I couldn't find any of my old Cleanse files. But you can see the resemblance. So obviously, this wasn't good for Cleanse. If we ever were to finish the game, people would say we stole Inside Out's idea, and we even went so far as to stealing one of the character's hair. We didn't want to have to deal with that, that would be terrible! In the end, we decided to just scrap everything, Cleanse, Elastic, everything. And that's when we started work on Micromasher... So yeah, now you know why we don't talk much about Cleanse anymore. I hope this post cleared up any questions any of you might of had. Peace.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Donations are back!

     That's right, I added the donation page back! Now you can go spill a few dollars on us once again!! Well, no one ever donated the first time around... But that doesn't matter! Go check out the donation page, or click the money bag! Have fun!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Game #2

So I've been talking a little bit about Capl Team's newest project, (codename) Game #2. So you know what, I'm going to go ahead and reveal a little bit of information about the game here. With Game #2, Helix and I wanted to go back to our roots with platformer games. Of course, our last attempt at a platform game (Elastic) didn't turn out that well. So this time we decided to scope super small, but a little bigger than Micromasher. We don't want to make anything huge, like Elastic was supposed to be. Game #2 is going to have 3 worlds, with 3 levels and 1 boss per each. I'm currently working on the menu system, but I already have all of the world 1 levels planned. You're probably also wondering what platform Game #2 will be released on. After the massive success of Micromasher, we've decided to make this game focused on Newgrounds. We're also going to release it as a standalone game, for the unfortunate Chrome users. (Read about that here) So yeah, that's all the information I can disclose right now for Game #2. I'll probably say more when we finish World #1 and get rid of my placeholder art. Anyways, here's a gif of the menu system.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Well, I've started being more active on Newgrounds now. I don't know how much I'll be posting on here, now that I'm also on Newgrounds. Uh, so here's my Newgrounds account.